First of all, let me thank you for visiting the Sea Chest Foundation. We are a not for profit 501c3 charitable organization in the USA that is devoted to the research and exploration of our oceans by providing affordable transportation, equipment and manpower to scientists, students, historians and other interested parties.

This is SV Seeker, a 75′ three-masted steel Chinese Junk sailboat being built by Doug Jackson in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We’ve been watching this vessel be built from the ground up and she’s starting to look more and more like she’s ready to hit the water with each day. You can see her construction and learn more about the vessel by vising . Hundreds of volunteers have contributed thousands of hours to assist Doug and she’s a sight to behold.
If all goes as planned, she could be ready for launch late 2020 and will work her way down the Verdigris and Arkansas Rivers, then down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.
You can keep up with the progress on Doug’s You Tube but here’s a brief update on where she is as of January, 2020:
Exterior work is nearly complete with all major welding and fabrication done! The engine room is nearly complete just lacking the installation of a CNC table, the Tormach and two generators. Hydraulics are in the design phase. Electrical and plumbing is also in the design phase. The cargo hold, engine room and rear cabin have been insulated and cedar planks are the wall and ceiling decor. Insulation of the forward cabin is currently underway. The Pilot House cabinetry is under construction. Still to be finalized are batteries, solar panels and electronics.
The wheel is installed and is beautiful!

Doug and Bryan Holmes with the walnut wheel built by the late Hugh Hood and the octopus cast by Dr. Michael Teesdale.
At this point, SV Seeker is being fitted out to the specifications of the Sea Chest Foundation so donations for equipment that will help achieve her goals can be tax deductible in the US. For more information, contact Doug at [email protected]
I am now 80 and have been a member of the local Lifeboat crew for 44 years. I can confirm that an experience of life at sea is one of the MOST character building experiences ANYONE can have in life, which sets them up for any future life. All the very best for your efforts and I am looking forward to your success.
Seeker has turned into an amazing ship! I am glad you announced August 2021!
Beautiful vessel. The use of a sailing ship is ideal for studies that utilize passive acoustics (gather information from the sounds made by mammals, fishes, invertebrates, and the ocean and bottom itself). Have you given consideration to mounting compressors, generators, and other mechanical equipment with isolators to the standards for quiet vessels, to keep that hull from ringing?
Recently I ordered a T and a darwin bilge rat. Now I buy alot of T’s mostly from organizations owned and run by veterans from the last big war. Being an old vet myself I like to think I’m lending my support to their purpose. Regardless, when I received my T, WOW was I surprised. A very high quality Hanes shirt in brilliant deep red and remarkable screen design. But that isn’t the point of this message. The point is when my wife Joyce saw Darwin she remarked ” how ADORABLE!” I’m ordering Bill Bilge Rat for her Birthday.
Yes, she said she wanted him! Thanks for not selling (junk) get it.
Ronald Regan
Hello again, It ME Ronald,
My wife knows about Billy, she has seen him, and she also knows the story behind Regina, Darwin’s mom.
Bottom line i need another “Billy” or whatever its name is to make a complete gift.
I’m ordering now.